function isValidIMEI(imei) { if (!/^[0-9]{15}$/.test(imei)) { return false; } var sum = 0, factor = 2, checkDigit, multipliedDigit; for (var i = 13, li = 0; i >= li; i--) { multipliedDigit = parseInt(imei.charAt(i), 10) * factor; sum += (multipliedDigit >= 10 ? ((multipliedDigit % 10) + 1) : multipliedDigit); (factor === 1 ? factor++ : factor--); } checkDigit = ((10 - (sum % 10)) % 10); return !(checkDigit !== parseInt(imei.charAt(14), 10)); } function changePerPage(pager_items_count) { $.post ( "/common_form_js.php", { "todo" : "changePerPage", "pager_items_count" : pager_items_count, } ); } function loadSocietyForm(st_id, mode) { $("body").append("
"); $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'index.php', data: { "todo" : "loadSocietyForm", "st_id": st_id, "mode" : mode } }) .done(function( data ) { $("#_st_form").html(data) .dialog( { title : "Manage account", width : 800, height : 760, closeOnEscape: false, }); $(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close").hide(); var initialCountry = document.getElementById("st_country").value; set_telephone_area_code('st_telephone_indicator',initialCountry); }); }; function loadSocietyFormNew(st_id, mode) { $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'society.php', data: { "todo" : "loadSocietyFormNew", "st_id": st_id } }) .done(function( msg ) { try { $("body").append("
"); $("#_st_form").dialog( { title : "Gestion de compte 2", width : 800, height : 760, dialogClass: "dlgfixed" ,buttons: { /* btnValid: { text: 'Save', click : function (){ //saveSiteComment(s_id); } }, */ Close: { text: 'Close', click : function (){ $("#_st_form").remove(); } } } }); $(".dlgfixed").center(true); //$("div[aria-describedby=_st_form]").css("z-index",10001); } catch(e) { $.popMessage("Error occurs! Result of ajax: " + msg + '\n' +e); } }); }; function isValidSiret(siret) { // return true; if ((siret.length != 14) || (isNaN(siret))) { return false; } var somme = 0; var tmp; for (var cpt = 0; cpt < siret.length; cpt++) { if ((cpt % 2) == 0) { // Les positions impaires : 1er, 3è, 5è, etc... tmp = siret.charAt(cpt) * 2; // On le multiplie par 2 if (tmp > 9) { tmp -= 9; // Si le résultat est supérieur à 9, on lui soustrait 9 } } else { tmp = siret.charAt(cpt); somme += parseInt(tmp); } } return ((somme % 10) == 0); }; function saveSociety(st_id, mode) { reg_siret=/[0-9]{14}/; reg_imei=/[0-9]{15}/; reg_postcode=/[0-9]{4,5}/; if($("#st_name").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if($("#st_domain").val()==0) { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } /*if(($("#st_reference").val()!='') && !isValidSiret($("#st_reference").val())) { return $.popMessage("Co.Reg N° is incorrect", true); }*/ if($("#st_address1").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if($("#st_postcode").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Postcode incorrect", true); } if($("#st_city").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if($("#st_telephone").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Telephone number is incorrect", true); } if($("#st_mobile").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Mobile number incorrect", true); } if(!reg_email.test($("#st_email").val())) { return $.popMessage("Email is incorrect", true); } /*if($("#st_fax").val() && !reg_telephone.test($("#st_fax").val())) { return $.popMessage("Fax number is incorrect", true); }*/ /* // Vân-Anh CURTY : 21/05/19 17:03 // if(mode==0) { if(!isValidIMEI($("#st_imei").val())) { return $.popMessage("Product ID non compliant", true); } } */ if($("#_form_login input[id='l_lastname']").val()=='' || $("#_form_login input[id='l_firstname']").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if(!reg_email.test($("#_form_login input[id='l_email']").val())) { return $.popMessage("Email is incorrect", true); } if($("#_form_login input[id='l_password']").val()==''){ return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if($("#_form_login input[id='l_password']").val() != $("#_form_login input[id='l_confirm']").val()) { return $.popMessage("Please confirm password", true); } $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'index.php', data: { "todo" : (st_id ? "modifySociety" : "addSociety"), "st_id" : st_id, "st_imei" : $("#st_imei").val(), "society" : $("#_form_society").getFormDatas(), "login" : $("#_form_login").getFormDatas(), "mode" : mode, } }) .done(function( msg ) { try { var result = JSON.parse(msg); if(st_id==0) { if(result.Error==0) { $("#_st_form").remove(); if(mode<2) { $.popMessage("Your account is set-up", false); } if(mode==2) { loadClientsList(); } } if(result.Error==1) { $.popMessage("IMEI entered is not in our database", true); } else if(result.Error==2) { $.popMessage("Incorrect telephone number format "); } /* * VAC_11/01/2018 : vérification du email de client lors qu'on crée un nouveau client * Mantis n° 863 */ else if(result.Error==3) { $.popMessage("Email already exists, choose another ! "); } } else { if(result.Error==0) { $("#_st_form").remove(); } else if(result.Error==2) { $.popMessage("Incorrect telephone number format "); } } } catch(e) { $.popMessage("Error occurs! Result of ajax: " + msg + '\n' +e); } }); } function legalNotices() { /* $ ( "index.php", { "todo" : "legalNotices", }, function(data) { $("body").append(""); $("#_form_legal_notices").dialog( { title : "Legalities", width : 720, height :800, }); } ); */ $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'index.php', data: { "todo" : "legalNotices", } }) .done(function( data ) { $("body").append(""); $("#_form_legal_notices").dialog( { title : "Legalities", width : 720, height :800, }); }); } function AboutBatiConnect() { /* $ ( "index.php", { "todo" : "AboutBatiConnect", }, function(data) { $("body").append("
"); $("#_form_about").dialog( { title : "About", width : 640, height :480, }); } ); */ $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'index.php', data: { "todo" : "AboutBatiConnect", } }) .done(function( data ) { $("body").append("
"); $("#_form_about").dialog( { title : "About", width : 640, height :480, }); }); } function popCondition() { $("#_condition_message").dialog({ modal:true, width:800, height:600, close: function( event, ui ) {$(this).dialog('destroy');} }).loadData("condition_utilisation.php",{}); } function loadPortaclefComboForm(d_type) { /* $ ( "portaclef.php", { "todo" : "loadPortaclefComboForm", "d_type" : d_type }, function(data) { $("body").append("
"); $("#_form_pf_combo").dialog( { title : "Configuration of combo", width : 400, height :280, }); } ); */ $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'portaclef.php', data: { "todo" : "loadPortaclefComboForm", "d_type" : d_type } }) .done(function( data ) { $("body").append("
"); $("#_form_pf_combo").dialog( { title : "Configuration of combo", width : 400, height :280, }); }); } function changeLanguage(language, is_index) { /* $ ( "index.php", { "todo" : "changeLanguage", "l_language" : language }, function(json) { var result=JSON.parse(json); if(result.Error==0) { if(typeof(is_index)=="undefined") { window.location="index.php"; } else { $("body").loadData("society.php"); loadSocietyInformation(1); } } } ); */ $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'index.php', data: { "todo" : "changeLanguage", "l_language" : language } }) .done(function( msg ) { try { var result = JSON.parse(msg); if(result.Error==0) { if(typeof(is_index)=="undefined") { //alert("common_form_js.php+> CAS 1"); window.location="index.php"; } else { //alert("common_form_js.php+> CAS 2"); window.location="society.php"; /* $("body").loadData("society.php"); loadSocietyInformation(1); */ } } } catch(e) { $.popMessage("Error occurs! Result of ajax: " + msg + '\n' +e); } }); } function changeLanguagePartenaire(language, is_index) { /* $ ( "partenaire.php", { "todo" : "changeLanguagePartenaire", "l_language" : language }, function(json) { var result=JSON.parse(json); if(result.Error==0) { window.location="partenaire.php"; } } ); */ $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'partenaire.php', data: { "todo" : "changeLanguagePartenaire", "l_language" : language } }) .done(function( msg ) { try { var result = JSON.parse(msg); if(result.Error==0) { window.location="partenaire.php"; } } catch(e) { $.popMessage("Error occurs! Result of ajax: " + msg + '\n' +e); } }); } function set_country_code(country_code_id, country_id) { var country_codes={ "0":"BE","1":"FR","2":"GB","3":"CH","4":"DE","5":"ES","6":"GP","7":"GF","8":"IE","9":"IT","10":"LU","11":"MQ","12":"NL","13":"PT","14":"RE","15":"AT","16":"MC","17":"IL","-1":"", }; document.getElementById(country_code_id).innerHTML = country_codes[country_id]; } function getCountryId(country_code) { var country_ids={ "BE":0,"FR":1,"GB":2,"CH":3,"DE":4,"ES":5,"GP":6,"GF":7,"IE":8,"IT":9,"LU":10,"MQ":11,"NL":12,"PT":13,"RE":14,"AT":15,"MC":16,"IL":17,"":-1, }; return country_ids[country_code]; } function set_telephone_area_code(area_code_id,country_id) { var countries_area_code={ "1":"0033","4":"0049","0":"0032","5":"0034","6":"00590","7":"00594","8":"00353","9":"0039","10":"00352","11":"00596","12":"0031","13":"00351","14":"00262","2":"0044","3":"0041","-1":"00", }; var country_area_code = "00"; if(countries_area_code[country_id] !== undefined){ country_area_code = countries_area_code[country_id]; } document.getElementById(area_code_id).innerHTML = country_area_code; } function set_telephone_area_code_service(area_code_id,country_id) { var countries_area_code={ "1":"0033","4":"0049","0":"0032","5":"0034","6":"00590","7":"00594","8":"00353","9":"0039","10":"00352","11":"00596","12":"0031","13":"00351","14":"00262","2":"0044","3":"0041","15":"0043","16":"00377","17":"00972","-1":"00", }; var country_area_code = "00"; if(countries_area_code[country_id] !== undefined){ country_area_code = countries_area_code[country_id]; } document.getElementById(area_code_id).innerHTML = country_area_code; } // Détermine le code pays à partir de l'objet javascript navigator.language function getNavigatorCountryCode() { // Le code de langue est de la forme "fr-FR" où la partie après le "-" représente le pays country_code = navigator.language.substring(3,5); // Le code de langue peut aussi être de la forme "fr", avec juste la langue mais pas le pays. Dans ce cas, on prend les 2 premiers caractères, donc la langue (c'est mieux que rien). if(country_code.length === 0) { country_code = navigator.language.substring(0,3); } return country_code; } // Vân-Anh CURTY : 19/02/20 15:18 // function showFormSAVBC(type_device,id_device) { // type_device : 11 : PP4G, 8; NPH400, 6: PORTAPHONE, 1 : MODEM var isNoralsy = 0; $("body").append("
"); if (isNoralsy==1) { $("#_form_sav_bc").dialog( { title : "Information about Product in SAV", width : 400, height : 250, dialogClass: 'dlgfixed', position: "center", beforeClose : function(event, ui) { clearInterval(uf_d_t); } ,buttons: { btnValid: { text: 'Save', click : function (){ saveSAVBC(type_device,id_device); } }, Close: { text: 'Cancel', click : function (){ $(this).dialog("close"); } } } }).loadData( "site.php", { "todo" : "showFormSAVBC", "type_device" : type_device, "id_device" : id_device }); } else { $("#_form_sav_bc").dialog( { title : "Information about Product in SAV", width : 400, height : 250, dialogClass: 'dlgfixed', position: "center", beforeClose : function(event, ui) { clearInterval(uf_d_t); } ,buttons: { Close: { text: 'Cancel', click : function (){ $(this).dialog("close"); } } } }).loadData( "site.php", { "todo" : "showFormSAVBC", "type_device" : type_device, "id_device" : id_device }); } $(".dlgfixed").center(true); } // end of function showFormSAVBC // Vân-Anh CURTY : 19/02/20 15:48 // function saveSAVBC(type_device,id_device) { // type_device : 11 : PP4G, 8; NPH400, 6: PORTAPHONE, 1 : MODEM $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "site.php", data: { "todo": "saveSAVBC" ,"datas" : $("div#_form_sav_bc").getFormDatas() }, async : false }) .done(function( msg ) { var result = JSON.parse(msg); if (result.Error==1) { // identifiant existe pas dans la table octal_new return $.popMessage("Product ID is incorrect",true); } else if (result.Error==2) { // identifiant déjà déclaré dans un autre client return $.popMessage("Product ID entered is incorrect or already used, please check.
Please contact your system provider",true); } else if (result.Error==3) { // identifiant sim n'existe pas dans la bd BC return $.popMessage("SIM card number not valid",true); } else { $("#_form_sav_bc").dialog("close"); var s_id = result.s_id; loadSiteInformation(s_id); loadDevicesList_s(1,s_id); if (type_device==11) { // PP4G loadPP4GFormNew(id_device,0,0); } if (type_device==12) { // 4GMini Touch load4GTouchFormNew(id_device,0); } else if (type_device==8) { // NPH400 loadNPH400FormNew(id_device,0,'',0); } else if (type_device==6) { // PORTAPHONE loadPortaphoneFormNew(id_device,0,0); } else if (type_device==1) { // MODEM var m_sub_type = result.m_sub_type; loadModemFormNew(id_device, m_sub_type,0); } else { } } }); } // Vân-Anh CURTY 15/11/2021 14:11 function saveAccountSociety(st_id) { alert("call saveAccountSociety"); reg_siret=/[0-9]{14}/; reg_imei=/[0-9]{15}/; reg_postcode=/[0-9]{4,5}/; if($("#st_name").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if($("#st_domain").val()==0) { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if($("#st_address1").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if($("#st_postcode").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Postcode incorrect", true); } if($("#st_city").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if($("#st_telephone").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Telephone number is incorrect", true); } if($("#st_mobile").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Mobile number incorrect", true); } if(!reg_email.test($("#st_email").val())) { return $.popMessage("Email is incorrect", true); } $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'society.php', data: { "todo" : "saveAccountSociety", "st_id" : st_id, "society" : $("#_form_society").getFormDatas() } }) .done(function( msg ) { try { var result = JSON.parse(msg); if(result.Error==0) { $.popMessage("Les données de l\'onglet Société ont bien été modifié", false); } else if(result.Error==1){ $.popMessage("Incorrect telephone number format "); } } catch(e) { $.popMessage("Error occurs! Result of ajax: " + msg + '\n' +e); } }); } // end of saveAccountSociety // Vân-Anh CURTY 15/11/2021 14:11 function saveAccountUser(l_id) { if($("#_form_login input[id='l_lastname']").val()=='' || $("#_form_login input[id='l_firstname']").val()=='') { return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if(!reg_email.test($("#_form_login input[id='l_email']").val())) { return $.popMessage("Email is incorrect", true); } if($("#_form_login input[id='l_password']").val()==''){ return $.popMessage("Complete all mandatory fields", true); } if($("#_form_login input[id='l_password']").val() != $("#_form_login input[id='l_confirm']").val()) { return $.popMessage("Please confirm password", true); } $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: 'society.php', data: { "todo" : "saveAccountUser", "l_id" : l_id, "login" : $("#_form_login").getFormDatas() } }) .done(function( msg ) { try { var result = JSON.parse(msg); if(result.Error==0) { $.popMessage("Les données de l\'onglet Utilisateur ont bien été modifié", false); } else if(result.Error==1){ $.popMessage("Email already exists, choose another ! "); } } catch(e) { $.popMessage("Error occurs! Result of ajax: " + msg + '\n' +e); } }); }